criminal defense attorney monroe, ga

The Perfect Options for the Right Criminal Lawyer


The criminal process, practically for every person who participates in it, means strong stress, including even the criminal liability issue resolved within its framework. Transition through a criminal case, ending with a sense of relief is possible, however, as soon as they reach for the help of a lawyer. The participation of the defender in the early activities may turn out to be crucial.

criminal defense attorney monroe, gaThe Basic Tasks

The basic task that the lawyer, who undertakes the role of defender in the criminal trial, is to show that the suspect or accused is not committing a crime and that the acquittal or the cessation of the proceedings is passed. However, in a situation where the commission of a given offense is clearly proven, the lawyer acts in order to obtain the best possible sentence in the scope of penalties and criminal measures. Attorneys from the office are able to fight effectively for the lowest real penalty, especially to avoid having to serve a prison sentence.

  • Each criminal case is of course different, but the superior goal of the lawyer is always the same, it is the good of the client, which is guaranteed by strict adherence to the lawyer’s secret.
  • Attorneys from the Office are able to take effective defense in criminal proceedings. They can boast of acquiring convictions for the clients accused, among others for fraud, theft, causing a traffic accident, violation of the physical body’s immunity or exposure to imminent danger of loss of life and health (by a medical member).

An advocate in a criminal trial can be not only a defender. An equal participant in the criminal proceedings alongside the accused is also the aggrieved party. A person who has suffered as a result of criminal activity may actively participate in a criminal case as an auxiliary or private prosecutor and have an attorney. In such a case, the role of a lawyer is to support the prosecutor in seeking a criminal conviction and maximum securing the interests of the aggrieved party, including in the property sphere. It should be remembered that as part of the criminal process, the aggrieved party can count on repairing the damage.

They help the clients most often in the following types of cases:

  • crimes against property (theft, fraud, misappropriation)
  • causing a traffic accident or collision
  • driving a vehicle after alcohol and drugs
  • health disorder and violation of bodily integrity
  • insults, defamation
  • participation in a beating fight
  • sexual offenses
  • falsification of documents
  • tax offenses
  • offenses related to drug trafficking
  • conditional discontinuance of criminal proceedings
  • voluntary submission to punishment
  • electronic supervision

The rules of acting for advocates from the law firm’s team are presented below:

Our lawyers start each case with a meeting and a deep conversation with the client. For this purpose, they invite you to the office, where you can meet with an attorney.Theyget to know your point of view and expectations. The next step is to get in touch with law enforcement officials and get acquainted with the material gathered in the case. This allows us to assess possible directions of development of the case, a chance to obtain a favorable solution. Getting to know the state of knowledge of law enforcement agencies is crucial, for example when deciding whether to submit an explanation. A good defense strategy is the key to a successful outcome, to know  more about criminal defense attorney monroe, ga .